Casting spells since 2020

Audio wizardy at it's best! We make solutions out of thin air.


Hello. With over 25 years experience and knowledge in the IT, broadcast and media sectors, we have access to a vast pool of talent specialising in these areas. Specialising in custom, personalised service, we give our customers what they want, not off-the-shelf products and services.

We are driven by client service excellence. We’re always looking and listening, keeping up with the latest broadcast innovations – or pioneering them. Above all, we channel our energy into maintaining our reputation for flawless execution, deep technical expertise, and efficient delivery.



Our years of experience & longstanding strategic alliances with the greatest international brands have permitted us to obtain unparalleled profundity of technical experience and knowledge within the entire industry.

Retail Radio

We offer bespoke audio ambiance which not only plays uniquely designed music but also delivers your promotional content to your target demographic.

IT Integration

Enterprise integration services that help brands, their customers and employees become better connected to the digital experiences of today, and those coming tomorrow, all while delivering improved business results.

AV Production

The team here is highly versatile and efficient in producing a range of Radio commercials, Radio Program ID, Station ID, Top of the Hour segments, Radio Sweepers, Radio Stinger Bumper and Retail Radio production for local, national and international Radio stations.
